Jeevan jyoti bal vikas & Jeevan jyoti training center
Bhagwanpur, Khatima & Pathri
The Child Development Project is a comprehensive program aimed at fostering children’s physical, ethical, social, and intellectual development. Holistic development of a child is its ultimate goal. BSS runs three child development projects at three different locations across Uttarakhand in the name “Jeevan Jyoti Bal Vikas”. The training center based in Khatima focuses on life skills, vocational training and literacy programs.
The objective of the community development programs is to establish an effective and sustainable system to improve the living conditions and the economic status of disadvantaged communities. This program includes establishing self-help groups, women empowerment programs, pregnant women assistance, medical camps and health awareness, water, sanitations and hygiene initiatives, relief and rehabilitation and literacy development.
Medical Camps and Health awareness
Rural communities in India severely lack healthcare and awareness. Most of the children are malnourished and anemic. We raise health awareness through community classes, rallies and special events. Topics include AIDS, hygiene, pregnancy, childcare, child marriage, first aid and disease prevention. Our goal is to reach the deprived community members with basic health awareness. We also provide medical checkups and vitamins to hundreds of children each year. Qualified medical professionals examine community members, offer medical advice, prescribe treatment and refer people for further care when necessary.
Relief and rehabilitation
Disaster, tragedy, illness and poverty can all deprive community members of their most basic needs. They find themselves lacking things that many of us take for granted, such as food, water, shelter, clothing and care. We practically help people in these types of situations through humanitarian assistance. We provide relief in response to disasters that strike. We are able to supply items like blankets, roofing sheets and temporary construction materials, food items etc. to those in need. And we regularly care for the neglected members of society—such as widows, orphans, chronic patients, poor and the disabled—through providing assistance to meet their basic needs. During the COVID’19 pandemic we have been actively involved taking care of migrant laborers around us helping them with dry ration and basic vegetable supplies. We have also been assisting our local Police department with our response to situations around us. We have been able to help provide safety kits (PPE kits) and other essentials to them as and when needed.
Vocational Training Centers:
Our training centers have vocational training as a significant component of their overall approach to development for older children and unemployed youth. Income generation skills such as tailoring, embroidery and mechanic work help them stand on their own feet and break the cycle of poverty. Also we give training to youngsters in moral, ethical and leadership areas, so that they may serve the community as people of integrity and get involved in the nation-building programme wherever they may be. We also partner with companies like Amuja Cements to get candidates enrolled with us to train as plumbers, electricians, etc and also get them placed in companies. We have even taught many of driving and have seen them get employed as drivers.
Literacy Development:
Most of the adults in rural part of our nation lack the ability to help their children with homework, read about current events or understand vital information like expiry dates etc, Many are trapped in unskilled labor with no hope to rise out of poverty. We conduct adult literacy classes through our training centers. The literacy classes empower community members to pursue knowledge, make informed decisions and create a better life for themselves and their families.